The Gospel for Millennials and Gen-Z-ers

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.” ~Romans 1:16 The word “gospel” actually means “good news”, but for many in my generation, we have NEVER heard the Jesus story as “good news.” I can't tell you how many times [...]

Politics or Kingdom

My husband and I are complete opposites when it comes to politics. I personally cannot stand politics because I’m an idealist and I know that politics is purely pragmatic and will let me down every time. Politics stresses me out. Johnny, on the other hand, is incredibly political. Politics is like his version of sports. [...]

Writing Update: What I Learned from Dostoyevsky

In a previous blog, I wrote that I had been learning quite a bit about writing good stories from the books I've read recently. Although I did not finish writing my NaNoWriMo draft in November, I am still working on the story, and I am still reflecting on what I am carrying into the story [...]

New Thing: Who am I Married?

Existential crisis, anyone? I’m having a hard time knowing how to be "me" now that I am a Mrs. I’ve heard so much about how marriage is a whole new adventure and it’s so different from the single life. I’ve even heard the very dramatic “death of 2 individuals and birth of one unit” analogy. [...]

NaNoWriMo Final Update: Success or Failure?

"Regina! How did you do? Did you win NaNoWriMo?" "Not...exactly." "Oh. Well did you get close?" "Um...not really..." "Oh. So...what did you do? Was it a total bust?" "Not at all! Let me tell you what I learned!" That's how the conversation would go if you asked me about NaNo. I know I didn't update [...]

NaNoWriMo Week 2 Update: Georgette Heyer and Kate Cavanaugh Changed the Game

This week was full of ups and downs. Thankfully the downs came first, so I was able to end the week in a relatively good place. Does that mean that I’m on track and have enough words to finish by the 30th?  Not at all. Ending the week strong! Corralling 8 teenagers does not make [...]