Politics or Kingdom

My husband and I are complete opposites when it comes to politics. I personally cannot stand politics because I’m an idealist and I know that politics is purely pragmatic and will let me down every time. Politics stresses me out. Johnny, on the other hand, is incredibly political. Politics is like his version of sports. [...]

Do You Still Trust Me, Dear Heart?

It is not as easy as I once believed to teach God’s word with integrity. What I mean by that is that telling people the “right thing to believe” about God and the “right thing to do” with their faith is only as powerful as the teacher’s decision to live the very thing he or [...]

Ponder This: The Question of a Creator

I found some notes I wrote last year on God and the order of created beings and I thought they were worth sharing: "Order of being correspond to order of creation. Lesser creatures have or manifest limited creative power according to intellectual capacity. Animals, for example, make homes in the ground or in trees. Humans, [...]

Ponder This: Religion and the Problem of Evil

Welcome to the first ‘Ponder This’ segment since NaPoWriMo. Once again, this segment is devoted to questions of religion and philosophy. The current run of this segment discusses topics from Professor Peter Kreeft’s lecture series Faith and Reason: the Philosophy of Religion. If anything in this blog sparks a question or comment (positive, negative, or [...]